Category: University
Vote for Ryan Corley
In-person voting began at UCD for the Student Union elections on the 4th of April, and will finish today. Online voting has since closed, but, given the history of election fraud across the western world, online voting can be considered...
The Thomas Sankara Library: Students4Change want to Rename TCD Berkeley Library
The name of the Berkeley Library has previously been the subject of controversy at TCD, with current President of Trinity College’s Student Union Gabi Fullam having made a campaign promise to rename the library. Leftist student activists have long used...
UCD Student Union Election Round-Up
The UCD Students Union elections have officially begun, with a variety of interesting candidates, with equally interesting political manifestos. Candidates are divided into those running for sabbatical positions, effectively running the SU, and college officers, who for the most part...
Muslims Indignant as TCD Deplatforms Famous Islamist
An event scheduled for the 3rd of March by the Muslim Students’ Association at Trinity College Dublin was cancelled due to pressure from TCDSU and other student bodies opposed to the religious rhetoric of the prominent Islamic YouTuber and ‘renowned...
Rats in the SU: An Examination of NCAD’s Regular Rodents
A new development in NCAD’s ongoing struggle with campus hygiene has emerged in recent weeks, as Luje and Saorla from the SU have released a series of angry videos over NCAD’s pink room’s latest rat problem. The pink room is...
Mary Kenny and Ireland’s Blossoming Cancel Culture
The news broke earlier this month that Mary Kenny was successfully no-platformed by trans activists angered at her being booked to speak at the University of Limerick. Kenny was due to give a talk on the topic “The Media and...
Hate Speech Advocates Trounced at Freedom of Speech Debate in UCD
At University College Dublin, a recent event was held in which several guest speakers were invited to speak at the college to discuss the topic of freedom of speech. Avowedly supporting the incoming hate speech legislation at this event were...
Revisionism Against the State: UCD’s Gentle Revolution and Irish Elite Formation
What are the contemporary ideological characteristics of the modern Irish state? The answer to such a question appears difficult to place in the complex history of the Republic's current statelet government yet may be studied with reference to the overlapping...
UCD Student Union’s Indian Mafia
An underground Indian intelligence network appears to be in formation within UCDSU. The intended goal: an unholy alliance between dissatisfied Brahmins and the flamboyant homosexual cartel that is the SU. At the SU’s first meeting for the academic year, one...
USI Waste Student Time on Asylum Crusade
Judging by this recent RTE report, USI’s recent housing protest was impressive in terms of quantity, if not quality. As the crowds that gathered at Trinity’s Dining Hall Steps, where they were addressed by student union leaders and senior academics,...