Category: Reflections

Report: Antifa & the HFI Custom House Protest

The protest at the Customs House, organised by Health Freedom Ireland and the Yellow Vests, took off largely without a hitch yesterday. I say largely because prior to the event beginning, Antifa activists tried to charge the crowd and stall...

/ 24/08/2020

‘Irish Ireland’ – D.P. Moran and The Leader

Let us begin with the comments section from a Youtube video of Michael D. Higgins' presidential inauguration in 2011, the moment when the national anthem is played and many of the participants sang along with varying degrees of commitment and...

/ 20/08/2020

Arthur Griffith and the National System of Political Economy

“Brushing aside the fallacies of Adam Smith and his tribe, List points out that between the individual and humanity stands, and must continue to stand, a great fact – the nation.” – Arthur Griffith, ‘The Resurrection of Hungary’ International Ideology...

/ 16/08/2020

Paul Cullen: The Saviour of Irish Catholicism

[This article originally appeared here] Contrary to popular belief, Ireland hasn’t always been a bastion of Catholicism. Especially considering that most people nowadays – in their decadency - consider the Church’s condemnation of contraception as the pinnacle of Catholic belief,...

/ 26/07/2020

March for Innocence Retrospective: The Emergence of a New Political Era

July 11th’s Anti-Paedophilia protest, March for Innocence will be remembered for many reasons.  Among them no doubt will be the speakers. The protest consisted of a number of big name speakers, all of whom brought their best when the time...

/ 13/07/2020

Floyd Riots: A Critique of Impotent Rage, and the Future of Black Nationalism

There have been two main responses to the recent demonstrations in Minneapolis and other US cities.  The first is that the rioting is justified to a greater or lesser extent. This stems usually from some argument that the destruction of...

/ 30/05/2020

The USI Chooses Oblivion

The Burkean looks with considerable dismay at the recent Annual Congress of the Union of Students of Ireland.  While supposedly open to all, it's a cliquey process, largely occurring without the notice of the student population of Ireland, despite being...

/ 28/05/2020

Indo-European Ireland: A Discussion with Survive the Jive

The world isn’t set in stone. Religions change, tribes rise and fall, and cultures spread out and fade away. While over the period of a lifetime the world may appear stagnant and unchanging, the truth is that every single facet...

/ 07/01/2020

Elections, Europe, and Irish Freedom: A Talk With Hermann Kelly

The European Union is not the immutable behemoth it once was. The political bloc, although once appearing to be seemingly invincible, is starting to show its cracks. Largely as a result of the 2015 migrant crisis, as well as the...

/ 10/09/2019

Thoughts on Irish Taxation

There is much discussion about the tax code; whether it is broad based and whether we should be running surpluses. It is assumed that surpluses are the definitive measure of fiscal responsibility, though this isn't always the case. Governments ran...

/ 22/06/2019