Category: Reflections

Modernists Against Ethnos: Towards a Proper Study of Irish Nationality

“If Ireland were in national health, her history would be familiar by books, pictures, statuary, and music to every cabin and shop in the land—her resources as an agricultural, manufacturing, and trading people would be equally known—and every young man...

/ 15/09/2022

Civilisation vs Culture and the Mystery of St Maurus

History has shown us that there exists an antithesis between two traditions; that of ‘civilisation’ and ‘culture’. Civilisation, which resides in the hearts of the French, the Americans and the English, embodies the notion of ‘progress’; the betterment of humanity...

/ 27/07/2022

Liberalism is a Sin: Absolutism Fights Back

Doctor Don Felix Sarda y Salvany was a popular priest in Spain in the late 19th and early 20th century who was considered exemplary for the firmness of his principles and the clarity of his apostolate –centred upon charity and...

/ 16/07/2022

Exiting History: The Myth of the Bipolar World

The ‘End of History’ has been postponed. Fukuyama, its author, assures us that ‘the spirit of 1989 is not dead…and is being reawakened’ by the Ukrainian conflict'. The End of History and the triumph of liberalism is still there. According...

/ 05/07/2022

The Greasy Till: DP Moran, Yeats and Ireland’s Emergent Catholic Bourgeoisie

Introduction “As regards Ireland, our feelings were curious… We intended as good Protestants and Loyalists to keep the papists under our feet. We impoverished them, though we loved them, and their religion by its doctrine of submission and obedience unintentionally...

/ 01/07/2022

A National Historiography For a National Resurrection

Introduction: “The spiritual thing which is the essential thing in nationality would seem to reside chiefly in language (if by language we understand literature and folklore as well as sounds and idioms). And to be preserved chiefly by language; but...

/ 19/05/2022

Whatever Happened to National Catholicism?

Though the recent death of Carmelite nun Sr Mary Kevin O'Higgins ends another living link to the revolutionary period, it does help us underscore still-relevant networking patterns. Maev O'Higgins was born in Government Buildings (now the Department of the Taoiseach),...

/ 15/04/2022

Irish Christian Brothers: Reflections on the End of a Tradition

I recently visited Ireland's main burial site for the Christian Brothers; it is in Baldoyle's Dublin Road at the back of their former residence, which is now a block of luxury apartments. Access to it is gained by arranging in...

/ 09/04/2022

Spain Against Barbarism: The Philosophy of the Falange

Introduction: “In order to implement all these things, there is to defeat, certainly, countless resistors. All selfishness will be opposed; but our motto has always been that: it is not about saving the material; property, such as we knew it...

/ 03/04/2022

Radlibs, not Leftists: Why Right-Socialism is the Only Viable Socialism

In the previous piece I described how the absence of a mandate to say no, which is inbuilt into Liberalism’s fabric, carries over into the economic sphere to promote free market chaos. In the case of immigration it was seen...

/ 19/03/2022