Category: Politics

The Slipped Mask: Have Irish Elites Shown Real Face With Covid?

I almost managed to convince myself not to write a piece about Covid and the ensuing pandemic. Alas, I have been compelled to. For it seems that in being forced to wear a mask, we have seen the masks of...

/ 29/08/2021

After Refugee Pledge and Anne McCloskey, Can Aontú be Trusted?

Pro-life republican party Aontú has found itself in quite a bit of hot water this week after a number of scandals causing a rift between the party and its grassroot supporters.  The latest of these scandals, which involves Derry GP...

/ 27/08/2021

Atomwaffen: Why Did the FBI Sponsor a Neo-Nazi Satanic Cult?

Britain’s spooks are not the only ones playing an underhanded game, as court documents have emerged in the United States, showing the history of FBI involvement with the Neo-Nazi terror network Atomwaffen Division.  Atomwaffen, a long-time favoured fear-mongering tool of...

/ 24/08/2021

Are the Taliban Burkean Conservatives?

A Historicist Revolt in Jurisprudence “The Guilty Have No Past” – Death in June Edmund Burke’s ‘Reflections on the Revolution in France’ cemented, in the eyes of conventional scholars and lay people alike, his place as the father of modern...

/ 22/08/2021

5 Things We Learned From #MerrionGate

Irish political scandals are often as unbelievable as they are mind-numbing. In this sense, Merriongate is no exception. The idea that politicians, lawmakers, and other senior gombeens would be dumb enough to attend a private shindig during a period of...

/ 16/08/2021

Paddy’s Populist Pivot — Is Cosgrave Our Guy?

What to do when yuppies go rogue? That must be the question ruminated upon by elements of our government at the political noises being made by former tech golden boy Paddy Cosgrave, famous by way of the ill fated Web...

/ 13/08/2021

Ireland Should Prepare Against Afghan Asylum Surge

The slow-motion disintegration of the American sponsored Kabul regime will invariably impact upon the country’s threadbare asylum system in the years ahead. While the battlefields and refugee camps of Helmand and Greece may be the furthest places imaginable from the...

/ 09/08/2021

Splitters! — Connolly Youth Movement on Death’s Door?

Tough Times at Connolly Barracks At one time the most spirited outfit on the Irish Left, it would appear that the Connolly Youth Movement (CYM) has entered a period of dormancy on the back of a schismatic year and lockdown...

/ 07/08/2021

Triumph of the Repeal: RTÉ Airs Pro-Abortion Propaganda Film

The 2018 referendum to repeal the 8th Amendment in Ireland will be remembered for decades, if not centuries, as a turning point in Irish history. Its passing marked the definitive end of Holy-Joe hegemony in Ireland, which had long been...

/ 05/08/2021

Irish Times Group Claims €3 million in State Subsidies as Revenue Falls 8%

One of the more financially viable names in Irish journalism through its skillfully administered Trust, the Irish Times Group reported an 8% contraction in revenue for the year 2020 according to its annual financial report . With annual turnover falling from €110...

/ 03/08/2021