Category: Politics

Ortega y Gasset: Man Against the Masses
José Ortega y Gasset, despite being one of the most renowned Spanish academics of the twentieth century, is an author whose corpus is unfortunately overlooked by modern anglophone right-wing circles. Ortega’s writings are of particular interest to a rightist analysis,...

The Normie Whisperer: Communicating Radical Ideas to the Mainstream
“The bloody view is bloody vile, For bloody miles and bloody miles” — John Cooper Clarke, Evidently Chickentown Introduction In penning this essay, I aim to improve how we, as Irish nationalists, communicate our ideas — not only how we...

Tension in Finglas Over New Asylum Centre
The ongoing arrival of 220 male asylum seekers at an abandoned retail unit in Finglas yesterday was met with local opposition further underlining the faltering international protection system bleeding onto the mainstream. Primarily non-Ukrainians, approximately 70 asylum seekers were placed...

Youth2000 and the Irish Right
Last weekend the annual Youth2000 main conference took place in Clongowes Wood College in Kildare. The Burkean went along and spoke to two attendees of a right leaning mindset to get their take on the weekend and the way ahead...

Fenianism and Irish National Regeneration: Arthur Griffith 1915
The following is made available courtesy of the archiving work of An Cartlann and is syndicated in honour of the centenary of Arthur Griffith's death this week. In 1843 there were more than a million men of fighting age on...

Plans to Abolish Direct Provision Postponed Due to Asylum Crisis
The drastic jump in asylum numbers from the Ukraine and further afield has put the kibosh on idealistic plans to phase out Direct Provision, according to snooping by the Business Post. Long sought after and greenlighted in the Programme for...

Is the Safe Access Zone Bill Ripe for a Constitutional Challenge?
Has a vindictive government overplayed its hand in the legislation of aboriton safe zones? The legislative framework for a proposed Bill to prohibit anti-abortion vigils outside abortion clinics was revealed last week by a gleeful Stephen Donnelly, no doubt looking...

The Leviathans of Islamabad: Will Imran Khan Endure?
The following first appeared on the Substack "Tadhg Pidgeon" and is syndicated with permission The government of Pakistan is a poison chalice, yet Imran Khan marches on towards it. Throughout and following this year’s constitutional crisis Khan has refused to...

100% of Monkeypox Cases in Ireland from Gay Men, Where Sexual Identity Known
Latest figures from the HSE reveal a phenomenal 100% of monkeypox cases (where sexual orientation is given) arising from homosexual men. Documented in the latest epidemiology report from the HSE affiliated Health Service Protection Centre, a total of 97 monkeypox...

Left Wing Advocacy Groups Advertises Student Role at €1.78 an Hour
Specialising in the production of progressive audio-visual content and campus activism, ‘STAND’ is a little known website and advocacy group funded through the Department of Foreign Affairs and their Irish Aid programme. Existing under the umbrella of the Suas Educational...