Category: Politics

Review: Mary Lou McDonald: A Republican Riddle

Mary Lou McDonald’s claim that Shane Ross’ biography is a screed that she could have rubbished during her summer holidays is one of her many claims that do not stack up. Ross’ biography is a solid piece of work evidenced,...

/ 15/12/2022

Political Ireland’s €215k Diversity Payday

With storm clouds gathering around the second coming of Leo Varadkar to the tanistry, the public purse strings are opening again to secure a new funding stream for the diversity lobby in Ireland.  Announced Monday by the Department of Local...

/ 12/12/2022

Germany: The Coup that Wasn’t?

Clocks were set back to 1919 this week with the German Bundesrepublik acting robustly to suppress plans to overthrow the state by Russian-backed nationalists, at least if authorities can be believed. Leading to the arrest of 27 Wednesday morning in...

/ 11/12/2022

From Marxism to the Open Society: The Irish Stickie Story

The following piece first appeared on the Substack Creeve Rua and is syndicated with the permission of the author. This article establishes the timeline in which the Irish Left, epitomised by The Workers’ Party (or the Stickies, for short), abandoned...

/ 09/12/2022

East Wall Fights on with Busáras Blockade

The asylum standoff at East Wall shows no sign subsiding with coordinated shutdowns by residents yesterday evening at Busáras bus terminal and the Samuel Beckett Bridge simultaneously. Beginning after 5pm, protestors successfully stalled traffic at key transport arteries in the...

/ 08/12/2022

Review: The New Puritans: How the Religion of Social Justice Captured the Western World

Andrew Doyle’s The New Puritans: How The Religion of Social Justice Captured The Western World begins and ends with America’s Salem Witch Trials. In between, he has twelve chapters, each of whose titles has a religious connotation and all of...

/ 07/12/2022

Revisionism Against the State: UCD’s Gentle Revolution and Irish Elite Formation

What are the contemporary ideological characteristics of the modern Irish state? The answer to such a question appears difficult to place in the complex history of the Republic's current statelet government yet may be studied with reference to the overlapping...

/ 04/12/2022

Lessons from the Anglo: Learning from the Failure of Post-War British Nationalism

Amid lockdown I developed a rather masochistic tendency in my online viewing habits. With the pubs closed and Ireland seemingly stuck under the permafrost of covidmania in perpetuity, I decided to plumb the depths of what remains of the British...

/ 02/12/2022

Rose Dugdale: The Life of an Irish 68er

Seán O'Driscoll's riveting account of British aristocrat Rose Dugdale's topsy turvy life resembles a Monty Python thriller. Here is a niece of Oswald Mosley, a member of Britain's ruling elite, who had once prostrated herself in front of their Queen,...

/ 01/12/2022

East Wall Residents Promise to Escalate Port Blockade Over Asylum Centre

Attempts to remedy the ongoing asylum dispute at East Wall appear to have failed with a further commitment by residents to continue the periodic blockage of the Port Tunnel. Arising from the Department of Children’s placement of a 380 person...

/ 30/11/2022