Category: Politics

Ireland, the EU and the Superpower That Stumbled

Eurosceptics would do well to look beyond the totalitarian bluster of the EU to see a bloc struggling to keep its head above geopolitical water. While Europhilia remains just as toxic to Irish national aspiration as it was in 2021,...

/ 05/07/2023

Civil War? No, But French Riots Still a Political Game Changer

Monday afternoon, and it's increasingly clear that the forces of the French Republic are gaining the upper hand against the Arab rioters who have hammered the nation the past week. The French intifada of 2023 ends with a remarkably low...

/ 03/07/2023

RTÉ on the Ropes? Time for a TV Licence Boycott

Blood is on the floor in Donnybrook after bombshell revelations about €345,000 worth of below the counter payments to Ryan Tubirdy forced the resignation of RTÉ’s head Dee Forbes in a shock punch to the jugular to the nation’s cosy...

/ 26/06/2023

The Azure Forum: NATO’s Irish Think-Tank?

Established in 2019, the Azure Forum is a British foreign policy think-tank based in Ireland. Largely flying under the public’s radar, the Azure Forum has been active in foreign policy debates in the media and pro-Atlanticist media circles. Protecting National...

/ 21/06/2023

Irish Neutrality Committee Rigged by Pro-NATO Gov 

 With the war in Ukraine turning into even more of a meat grinder, Ryan Kiersey takes a look at the machinations of our own government to force the Irish people into the conflict through a citizen's assembly-style charade. Ireland’s Consultative...

/ 19/06/2023

Hate Speech Split in Fianna Fáil?

Oireachtas TV likely hit record numbers in the low hundreds this week as anxious right-wingers tuned in to watch a Seanad debate on hate speech laws.  McEntee’s Bill experienced a cakewalk through the lower house last month, with a gaggle...

/ 15/06/2023

Dublin Asylum Protestors Bring It Their Doors (On Bikes)

The inner city dubs gathered at Connolly Station last Sunday on bicycles to take part in the sort of "direct action" that is shaking the establishment to the core. The sun was shining bright which boosted the morale of the...

/ 13/06/2023

Replacement Migration: 2% of Irish Republic’s Population Asylum Arrivals

It comes as no surprise to the reader that Ireland’s demographics are changing, but it is evermore shocking as to cognitive dissonance held by the Irish government regarding the unsustainable, mass influx of refugees which it quite forcibly began following...

/ 12/06/2023

A Fiscal Policy for the Irish Right? The Abolition of the USC & Reformation of Government Spending

The lot of right-wing populism in Ireland is primarily focused on the changing social fabric of the nation. As the government repeatedly and consistently alienates voters with its high tax, high migration, high rent society, political traffic will drift towards...

/ 11/06/2023

Whignats Out! “White Youth Revolt” in Downpatrick

The PSNI are allegedly investigating the Scottish nationalist organisation, Highland Division, after a poster titled “White Youth Revolt” was found outside a bus station in Downpatrick. This is not the organisation’s first foray into the North, with it being known...

/ 09/06/2023