Category: Ireland
Last night on RTE's Up Front with Katie Hannon, an audience member posed a question about the upcoming marriage referendum. Viewers recognised him from a previous episode of the show. In an unsurprising twist, he has been revealed to be...
‘An Geimhreadh Thiar?’: Máirtín Ó Direáin as a Spenglerian Prophet of Ireland’s Decline
Influenced by the anti-modernism of Oswald Spengler, the Gaelic poetry of Ó Direáin rebukes modern Ireland's urban winter in favour of a return to the consciousness of our rural springtime. The following article is syndicated with permission from Aistí ó...
Ireland’s debt to Sweden: The foundation of the Irish Folklore Commission
This article was translated to Swedish and published by the Swedish publication Konservativ debatt. Here it is displayed in the original English-language form. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the Gaelic Revival sought to recover and express Ireland’s native...
Fact-check: Helen McEntee “Debunking Migration Myths”
Minister for Justice Helen McEntee last week claimed to "bust five myths about migration." We' examined her claims using the available statistics. Claim #1: Migrants Contribute to the Economy Fact Check: False The Minister cites a statistic, without reference, stating...
Newbridge Stands Firm
We spoke to Tom and Críostoir who are campaigning against the recent plantation that has beset Newbridge in County Kildare. They expressed distrust and frustration with the government and elected representatives over the blatant disregard and contempt the people of...
Ireland’s State-Owned Bank is a Woke, Trans, and anti-White Dystopia
The Burkean reports on leaked internal memos exposing the hyper woke and ethically shaky HR practices in Permanent TSB (PTSB), a bank that is majority-owned by the Irish govenrment. Are we heading for a neo Penal Law regime in this...
Fact-Check: Green Party Press Officer Claim About “Racist Irish Twitter Users”
The Claim: Manus Carlisle (Policy and Press Officer for Green Party MEP Grace O'Sullivan) yesterday claimed that a profile picture of an Ireland First account was used "hundreds of times by the same person spreading nonsense" and that "the large...
Government Use Dirty Tactics Against Anti-Asylum Protestors In Roscrea
Monday's scenes at the protest in Roscrea, Tipperary saw the biggest escalation so far in the State’s response to local opposition against incoming asylum centres, as dozens of Gardai from the public order unit was brought down from Dublin to...
Immigration and the Housing Crisis: 6 Myths
Recently on Twitter, a video of a news report by RTE was shared around of a house in Templeogue, Dublin on sale for €795,000. The house was being inspected for purchase by an immigrant family, who appear to be from...
Sign of Things to Come? Councillors’ Homes Raided and Phones Seized Over Rosscahill Fire
On Saturday it was revealed that the Gardai had searched the homes of the two County Councillors in relation to the Rosscahill fire, seizing one phone. With the Hate Speech Bill among other draconian laws en route, we are starting...