Category: Ireland

The Irish Courts’ Disturbing Hate Speech Ruling

While without ratified hate speech legislation akin to other European states, it should be remembered that the Irish Republic still has strong legal recourse to charge those guilty of what is perceived to be aggravating speech. Despite living in an...

/ 17/02/2021

Ali Damache: How a Convicted Islamist Overthrew Irish Citizenship Laws

Much has been made of the recent Supreme Court decision declaring unconstitutional provisions of the 1956 Nationality and Citizenship Act, a case which saw the Courts deny the withdrawal of an Algerian-born convicted terrorist’s Irish citizenship, so that he can...

/ 12/02/2021

A Catholic Education Scattered To The Four Winds

In light of the recent “Catholic Schools Week”, it bears saying that it is an open secret that the vast majority of schools in Ireland, which purport to be Catholic, are merely Catholic in name only. They keep up the...

/ 04/02/2021

Le Chéile: Ireland Newest Censorship Org Off to an Uninspiring Start

The congested field of anti-racist organising in Ireland met with a new and belated contendor this December with the birth of Le Chéile, a new voice to combat Ireland’s apparently nefarious far right. With an arranged press release coverage from...

/ 29/01/2021

Aodh de Blácam: Ireland’s Answer to Oswald Spengler

“I contemplate a people which has had a long night, and will have an inevitable day. I am turning my eyes toward a hundred years to come, and I dimly see the Ireland I am gazing on become the road...

/ 28/01/2021

Ireland: For a Positive Critique (Perhaps)

In 1961, the French nationalist Dominique Venner wrote and published a manifesto titled For A Positive Critique whilst imprisoned for his membership of the OAS (Organisation Armée Secrète). It was a dissident paramilitary organisation committed to maintaining French colonial rule...

/ 23/01/2021

Who’s funding the Irish Trans Industry? —TENI’s Ambiguous Accounting

The past decade has witnessed a renaissance for Irish trans activism culminating in the Gender Recognition Act of 2015, which arguably effectuated the world’s most permissive transgender recognition regime. Facilitating ‘self-recognition’ with no questions asked for individuals over the age...

/ 14/01/2021

Dave Cullen (Computing Forever) Banned from YouTube

In a dark and precedent-setting week for online censorship, the axe has fallen on yet another dissident Irish Youtuber, this time in the form of Dave Cullen, who had his channel purged Sunday morning from the embattled video hosting site....

/ 10/01/2021

Dept. of Housing Warns Open Border Proposals Will Severely Impact Housing Supply

Amid the targeted mania at abolishing the Republic’s already lenient Direct Provision system, the media-NGO narrative has been temporarily punctured by rather stern comments by the Department of Housing. In response to last month’s Day Report commissioned by the Department...

/ 26/11/2020

The Day Report: New Plan to Promote Cheap Labour into Ireland

A new report was released by the Government on Wednesday detailing how the current system of Direct Provision in Ireland should be abolished. A new much more liberalised system is recommended to be put in its place at a time...

/ 27/10/2020