Category: Ireland

The Irish Were Slaves. Deal with it.

Gaslighting is nothing new in modern politics. Day after day, massive media and political institutions both downplay the importance of certain elements of world history, while massively inflating others.  For those of us critical of the contemporary world, this is...

/ 14/06/2020

Ireland’s Top 10 Problematic Statues

A type of progressive iconoclasm appears to be the order of the day across much of the Western world this month. Buoyed on by the death of George Floyd, statues of historically racist individuals are biting the dust from King...

/ 10/06/2020

Black Lives Matter Dublin: Irish Cultural Colonisation and Left Hypocrisy

Dublin's streets could have been mistaken for inner city Los Angeles yesterday as it played host to its very own ‘Black Lives Matter’ protest.  Numbering the best part of three thousand strong, the protest came as the city is tentatively...

/ 02/06/2020

The Irish Right’s Truther Problem

Truther: “one who believes that the truth about an important subject or event is being concealed from the public by a powerful conspiracy.” The term conspiracy theory is a disingenuous phrase, largely manufactured to discredit genuine concerns about political and...

/ 07/05/2020

Corporate Social Responsibility In A Post-Irish Ireland

The winners of this year’s BT Young Scientist Awards saw much praise from mainstream Irish media. Entitled “A statistical investigation into the prevalence of gender stereotyping in 5-7 year olds and the development of an initiative to combat gender bias”,...

/ 19/01/2020

The Post-National Fianna Fáil Politician

As the perennial chancers of Irish politics, Fianna Fáil have undergone multiple regenerations since the foundation of the state. The positioning of Fianna Fáil at any one time is a thermometer reading to the contemporary condition of Irish life. From...

/ 02/01/2020

CERD19: Cat Lady Totalitarianism On Display

The following is the second in a multipart series examining the influence of Ireland’s inordinately sized NGO sector in the realm of policy formation, particularly in the areas of hate speech legislation and anti-racism advocacy. This segment casts an eye...

/ 12/12/2019

Ireland is Entering Late-Stage Liberalism

Ireland and the Rumblings of Populism The quick-fire legislation towards hate speech early next year is a clear signifier that the powers that be in Ireland are becoming rather rattled over an as of yet non-existing populist insurgency. While right-wing...

/ 01/12/2019

Can Fianna Fáil be Co-opted

How does the right attain political power in Ireland? The options must be considered and the most efficient option adopted. There are small parties, which one could join and or vote for; or there are the established parties which could...

/ 20/11/2019

The University Times’s Bugging Scandal and Ireland’s Emerging Media Class

“I hate journalists. There is nothing in them but tittering jeering emptiness. They have all made what Dante calls the Great Refusal. The shallowest people on the ridge of the earth.” -William Butler Yeats Remembering Buttergate For the campus reactionary,...

/ 10/11/2019