Category: Ireland

Is the Irish Art Sector Worth Saving?

The past twenty months have not been easy for the Arts. It was one of the first sectors to close completely almost overnight when the Covid 19 pandemic spread across the world. Now it’s one of the last to finally...

/ 30/11/2021

Trinity Trans Referendum to Boycott Irish Times Flops

Ireland's cultural revolutionaries went just that bit further in undermining themselves yesterday with the failure of a referendum intended to boycott the Irish Times in Trinity College. Driven by the embattled paper of record's decision to platform trans critical feminists...

/ 27/11/2021

The Late Stage Toy Show

Long being a staple of contemporary Irish culture, last night we were once again faced with the event that most closely resembles a national religious rite on a parasocial level. With close to all readers being undoubtedly raised watching the...

/ 27/11/2021

Faith and Fatherland: An Interview with Gerry McGeough

The Burkean sat down recently with veteran republican activist Gerry McGeough. McGeough has been a long-time stalwart of nationalism, republicanism, and an advocate for the Faith and tradition. Gerry has written a number of books and was previously the editor...

/ 25/11/2021

Ghost Unit: Gardaí Confirm Increase of Surveillance on Populists

Irish red tops have developed a knack for being the outlets of choice for An Garda Síochána whenever they wish to syndicate an effective press release in the nation’s so called free press. With special relationships nurtured between themselves and...

/ 23/11/2021

Is National Protectionism Ireland’s Economic Future?

Following a detailed discussion between Dr. Matt Treacy and Peter Ryan on the nationalist economics of the revolutionary movement in the twentieth century my mind naturally wandered to the system which we should espouse as Nationalists ourselves - as a...

/ 16/11/2021

Kinzen’s Caper: How Did An Anti-Hate Speech Firm Siphon Off Є108k in State Funding?

Since bursting onto the scene as a potential silver bullet to the rise of alleged disinformation, The Burkean has documented the rise and potential fall of the tech start up Kinzen. A love child of former RTÉ presenter turned Twitter...

/ 13/11/2021

Knives Out for Irish Times with TCD Trans-Boycott Referendum

There’s nothing better than being handed an open goal by your political opponents. And yet, TCD Student Union’s upcoming referendum to boycott the Irish Times presents us all just that. The Trans Lobby Comes for Irish Times Ireland’s trans mafia...

/ 11/11/2021

Liberties Mosque Decision Underlines Demographic Change in Dublin 8

The red bricked laneways and apartment blocks of the South Inner City Dublin have been visited by conspicuous demographic transition the past decade. Generally regarded as a solid working class area favourable to republican and left politics, since the Crash...

/ 28/10/2021

The Journal’s €350k Brussels Bailout

In May of last year, The Journal was forced to deny rumours of its impending dissolution with false and malicious stories circulating that the site was on the cusp of formally closing the shutters owing to financial stress. Founded in...

/ 23/10/2021