Category: Ireland

A Message to the Irish Diaspora 1920
The following are extracts from Éamon de Valera's wartime St. Patrick’s Day message 1920 beseeching the Irish Diaspora at a time of war. Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig oraibh go léir Sons and daughters of the Gael, wherever you be today,...

Globo-Homo Dublin: An A-Z Guide
"The bus for town left days ago...Damn them that brought me here" —The For Carnation, A Tribute To Introduction Preliminary note: for those unacquainted with the Fair City, please watch this video as a primer. An aeon ago, as a...

Gaelic Zionism: Can Israeli Diaspora Policies be Mimicked in Ireland?
On the preface it must be stated that this article is separate from the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. My raison d'être for arguing for an Irish rendition of Zionism is very simple, we need to advance. When people opine about unity they...

Europol Breaks Up Georgian Run Human Trafficking Network to Ireland
A continental-wide policing effort to clamp down on the efforts of Georgian people smugglers paid dividends the past month, with the arrests of 17 individuals in Spain and France. Procuring and supplying fake EU travel documents, as well as labour...

NUIGSU Elections: Has the Left Peaked on Campuses?
The results of the recent NUI Galway students Union elections marked a watershed in leftist dominance of Student Union politics at NUI Galway. In the SU election last Friday, candidates supposedly more associated with the ideological far-left lost to more...

The Sunday Times’ Irish War Games
A British paper pushing an Irish front to an Ukrainian war seems to be the role of the Sunday Times Irish edition the past week as the bullets started flying in Eastern Europe. Of late the paper has been rather...

Will Irish Globalism Buckle in 2022?
The Irish Government has said it wants to see farmers grow crops in response to the war in Ukraine. Russia and Ukraine are major exporters of grains, producing between them nearly a third of the world’s total traded grains. Much...

Misplaced Nostalgia and the Irish Anti-Apartheid Movement
“From what I can gather from my slight knowledge of ancient Ireland, I find no reason to conclude that either screech or fatalism is indigenous to [our] race. How far it is within the power of [Ireland’s] will to alter...

Whither Irish Neutrality?
The current war in Ukraine is, we are told, Europe's biggest since the Second World War. Bigger, we are told, than the wars of the Yugoslav succession, when NATO handed the Slavs' historical homeland over to their pliable Albanian gangsters,...

Aramark Controversy Misses Point on Asylum
Progressive minded tea drinkers have been taking aim at the National Gallery all month for the latter's freshly signed contract with the catering conglomerate Aramark. Getting itself into liberal Ireland’s bad books for taking business to do with the much...