Category: Ireland

Is the Safe Access Zone Bill Ripe for a Constitutional Challenge?
Has a vindictive government overplayed its hand in the legislation of aboriton safe zones? The legislative framework for a proposed Bill to prohibit anti-abortion vigils outside abortion clinics was revealed last week by a gleeful Stephen Donnelly, no doubt looking...

100% of Monkeypox Cases in Ireland from Gay Men, Where Sexual Identity Known
Latest figures from the HSE reveal a phenomenal 100% of monkeypox cases (where sexual orientation is given) arising from homosexual men. Documented in the latest epidemiology report from the HSE affiliated Health Service Protection Centre, a total of 97 monkeypox...

Left Wing Advocacy Groups Advertises Student Role at €1.78 an Hour
Specialising in the production of progressive audio-visual content and campus activism, ‘STAND’ is a little known website and advocacy group funded through the Department of Foreign Affairs and their Irish Aid programme. Existing under the umbrella of the Suas Educational...

Tavistock’s Irish Legacy
A longstanding bolthole for the Republic’s gender reassignment service, the closure of the specialist Tavistock clinic owing to the findings of an independent review is sure to have an impact on the treatment of Irish children at home. Coming under...

Ireland Ends Interview Process for Refugees
Asylum seekers from Afghanistan, Somalia & Eritrea are being granted refugee status in Ireland without requiring any interview process. Can you guess the country of origin for the largest group seeking asylum in Ireland currently? As part of the International...

Will Asylum Crisis Bring Tent Cities to Ireland?
With a fresh standoff between asylum seekers at Harry’s Hotel in Kinnegad over the state’s wish to transport the current occupants to tented accommodation in Clare to make way for Ukranians, the asylum crisis looks set to continue its downward...

An Alternative Hate Speech Submission
The following was submitted two years ago as part of the Department of Justice's consultation process on the implementation of hate speech laws and is syndicated with the permission of the author. I would like to make a submission to...

Brazilian Asylum Seeker Forces Extension Precedent in Supreme Court
While eyes have been justifiably fixed on the spiralling disaster that is Irish asylum policy, a ruling Monday at the Supreme Court bodes badly for any future hope of reforming the already busted system. Dealing with the (non) plight of...

A Marginal Understanding : Why Left Republican Analysis of the Irish Right Flops
When reading about the emergence of the ‘far-right’ in Irish political journalism and opinion pieces, one is left feeling like they’re in the film Groundhog Day. Generally, a quick once over a few Wikipedia pages serves as the research basis...

Foreign Policy in the Saorstát : Early Irish Geostrategy
The Department of External Affairs (DEA) was a Saorstát political institution formed in 1924, built upon the foundations of prior Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA). This of the civil service, while overtly discriminated against by their peers in domestic branches...