Category: Ireland

Irish Neutrality Committee Rigged by Pro-NATO Gov
With the war in Ukraine turning into even more of a meat grinder, Ryan Kiersey takes a look at the machinations of our own government to force the Irish people into the conflict through a citizen's assembly-style charade. Ireland’s Consultative...

Hate Speech Split in Fianna Fáil?
Oireachtas TV likely hit record numbers in the low hundreds this week as anxious right-wingers tuned in to watch a Seanad debate on hate speech laws. McEntee’s Bill experienced a cakewalk through the lower house last month, with a gaggle...

Dublin Asylum Protestors Bring It Their Doors (On Bikes)
The inner city dubs gathered at Connolly Station last Sunday on bicycles to take part in the sort of "direct action" that is shaking the establishment to the core. The sun was shining bright which boosted the morale of the...

Replacement Migration: 2% of Irish Republic’s Population Asylum Arrivals
It comes as no surprise to the reader that Ireland’s demographics are changing, but it is evermore shocking as to cognitive dissonance held by the Irish government regarding the unsustainable, mass influx of refugees which it quite forcibly began following...

A Fiscal Policy for the Irish Right? The Abolition of the USC & Reformation of Government Spending
The lot of right-wing populism in Ireland is primarily focused on the changing social fabric of the nation. As the government repeatedly and consistently alienates voters with its high tax, high migration, high rent society, political traffic will drift towards...

Whignats Out! “White Youth Revolt” in Downpatrick
The PSNI are allegedly investigating the Scottish nationalist organisation, Highland Division, after a poster titled “White Youth Revolt” was found outside a bus station in Downpatrick. This is not the organisation’s first foray into the North, with it being known...

Wandering in the great outdoors: A Gaelic tradition
Walkabout, trekking, hiking, journeying - whatever you call it or however it's done there seems to be an innate affection among the Gael for the less-beaten track, including pilgrimages, our rebels on the run, and of course hiking trails. Pilgrimages...

Asylum Crisis: The Irish State Cannot Manage the Decline
December 2023 A culinary dispute at CItywest between Ukranian and Afghan asylum seekers has culminated in arguably the most turbulent weeks in recent Irish history. Flames lapped across the M50 as an outmatched Public Order Unit meant for low-level crowd...

Helen McEntee’s Accidental Asylum Leak
Helen McEntee, previously the Minister for Justice presiding over the state’s controversial Hate Speech Bill, has returned to her post after taking several months of maternity leave. Resuming her tenure as Minister for Justice, Helen McEntee will complete the passage...

WATCH: Gardaí Force Migrants into Galway Town – Residents Pledge to Resist
Yesterday evening, Gardaí forced 2 busses of migrants past residents of the area of Ballybrit Industrial Estate, Co. Galway who had been blockading the site to prevent its use as a migrant accommodation centre. Footage showing busses arriving, council workers...