Category: International

The Yank: Lessons from a Republican Gunrunner

There are few books these days that I can find myself lost in, most suffer from feeling derivative, asinine, or just plain boring. Everyone thinks they can be a writer. So I was pleasantly surprised when I sat down to...

/ 09/09/2022

Ortega y Gasset: Life After America?

The first part of this reflection on Ortega y Gasset's Revolt of the Masses is available here. Americanisation & the European Masses. The twenty-first century has seen the corruption of national life as a direct consequence of the continued influence...

/ 26/08/2022

A Car Bomb in Moscow: Who Killed Daria Dugin?

Last Saturday evening in Moscow, the daughter of the Russian philosopher and public figure Aleksandr Dugin, Daria “Dasha” Dugina, was killed in a car explosion. With few to no sources claiming that the explosion was purely the result of a...

/ 23/08/2022

The SPLC’s Irish Debut

Another weekend and another acronym as the Sunday Independent played host to yet another counter extremism think tank and their reportage on the dreaded yet still unformed ‘Irish far right’. The adroitly named Global Project Against Hate and Extremism (GPAHE)...

/ 22/08/2022

Ortega y Gasset: Man Against the Masses

José Ortega y Gasset, despite being one of the most renowned Spanish academics of the twentieth century, is an author whose corpus is unfortunately overlooked by modern anglophone right-wing circles. Ortega’s writings are of particular interest to a rightist analysis,...

/ 21/08/2022

The Leviathans of Islamabad: Will Imran Khan Endure?

The following first appeared on the Substack "Tadhg Pidgeon" and is syndicated with permission The government of Pakistan is a poison chalice, yet Imran Khan marches on towards it.  Throughout and following this year’s constitutional crisis Khan has refused to...

/ 08/08/2022

Can Telegram Be Trusted?

Probably every zoomer reading this article had their mother or grandmother voice their comments regarding the amount of disappointment he has brought onto their family.  Unfortunately, their old minds are too ignorant to comprehend the concept of a sigma male,...

/ 03/08/2022

Hungary Rejects the Post-Western Future-Viktor Orbán

Generating much controversy in the western press gallery the following is a partial transcript from Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's recent campus speech on the topic of demography, war with Russia and his nation's schism with Western Liberalism. A full...

/ 31/07/2022

Foreign Policy in the Saorstát : Early Irish Geostrategy

The Department of External Affairs (DEA) was a Saorstát political institution formed in 1924, built upon the foundations of prior Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA). This of the civil service, while overtly discriminated against by their peers in domestic branches...

/ 18/07/2022

Agent Viktor: Does the Irish Visa System Provide an Open Door for Foreign Espionage?

The rumbling of a Russian sleeper spy by Dutch security forces presents some salient questions for the country in light of our infamously lax language school sector. Sergey Vladimirovich Cherkasov operating under the moniker ‘Viktor Muller Ferreira’ posed as a...

/ 09/07/2022