Category: International

Espionage War Beckons As Nationalists Declare Victory in Austria

East of the Shankill Road, Vienna is potentially the most perilous place to play politics in Europe. Now almost sixteen years to the day since the ambiguous death of nationalist leader Jörg Haider, his FPÖ party is again on the...

/ 30/09/2024

Report: Mexican Cartels Are Getting Their Hooks Into Dublin Airport

Findings made public by the Revenue Commissioner and Gardaí point to a booming presence of Latin American cartels in Ireland as reports describe a developing new trend of desperate favela dwellers being used as drug mules through Dublin Airport. Having...

/ 16/09/2024

The Ghanaian Four : Have Irish Courts Opened Up a New Asylum Sea Route?

The legal plight of four Ghanaian fishermen, stranded in Galway following the capsizing of their vessel in March, looks to have set legal precedent late last month as the Department of Justice granted their application for work visas. Recruited by...

/ 03/09/2024

The Professor’s Party Comes of Age: What the AfD Can Teach Irish Populism

The European political arena is still ringing with Sunday’s not-so-surprising triumph for Germany’s Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) in two regional elections in Thuringia and Saxony that placed them comfortably ahead of Berlin’s ruling green-left coalition. Irish press coverage scarcely goes...

/ 02/09/2024

[BREAKING] EU Promises in Arabic To Defend Indigenous Peoples – But Not Europeans

The European Council pledged to defend the rights of indigenous peoples in an Arabic-language statement published Thursday. The press release labels native populations “among the world’s most marginalised communities.”  The document was published in English, with an Arabic translation. As...

/ 09/08/2024

Ireland’s Indian Migration Spike: A Statistical Breakdown

In the last few years, there has been extensive immigration to Ireland. A lot of the migration has come from reasons related to the Russian-Ukraine conflict, inflows through other asylum pathways, and then illegal migration. The purpose of this piece...

/ 03/08/2024

UNIFIL, Crotty and Ireland’s Looming Lebanon Disaster 

A contrived scandal designed to divert blame off a lenient judiciary and onto the backs of the Defence Forces would normally be classified as a poor way to prepare for a potential military crisis in Southern Lebanon but so it...

/ 03/07/2024

After Kinahan: Irish Narco-Politics and Multiculturalism Are On A Collision Course

 A Shooting in Summerhill April 25, 2016. Two armed men wearing boiler suits and Freddy Krueger masks barged into a northside boozer at the Sunset House midway through a raffle for republican prisoners. Quickly identifying their mark, the pair opened...

/ 27/06/2024

Opt Out: Dáil Adjournment Shows Migration Pact on the Ropes Ahead of Crunch Vote

There are strong indicators that the government’s resolve to ratify the EU Migration Pact could be wavering after a Fine Gael attempt to postpone a crunch Oireachtas vote on the asylum deal was carried Wednesday afternoon at the behest of...

/ 20/06/2024

Diversity in an Irish Town; The Great Replacement and the Six Counties

Dublin’s bank holiday rally just past is indicative of a seashift in national opinion with the Irish quickly registering an unexpected volkish volte-face against mass migration previously unthought of. The cat is not just out of the bag but is...

/ 08/05/2024