Category: History

Ireland and the Spanish Civil War: Debunking Leftist Myths

Central among the myths that motivate leftist Irish republicans is that of Ireland’s engagement in the Spanish Civil War. Heralding Frank Ryan as an anti-fascist hero, singing songs about the Connolly Column like Christy Moore’s Viva la Quinta Brigada and...

/ 14/09/2023

The legacy of Berkeley’s Querist in Irish Protectionist thought (Part 2)

This second article on Berkeley's protectionism is to highlight his influence on the country's contribution to economic writing. This is a syndicated piece with permission from the writer Aistí Ó Chraobh, following the previous article on the subject. ‘Mr. de...

/ 06/09/2023

The Pegasus Plot: How Zionism Sapped Spanish Sovereignty

Both VOX and the general Spanish right are still licking their wounds a month after a snap election saw a grand coalition of populists and conservatives stumble at their overall objective of displacing the ruling socialist party (PSOE). Not the...

/ 03/09/2023

If They Shot Dev Not Collins An Alternative Timeline

Setting: Glasnevin Cemetery August 22nd, 2022 in Ireland (but not as we know Her) A volley of ceremonial rifle rounds was heard shortly after Sinn Féin leader and President of the Executive Council of the Irish Free State Eoin Ó...

/ 22/08/2023

The Hibernian Archive: Irish Nationalist Magazine Now Online

Running from May 2006 to September 2008 The Hibernian was a small but powerful outlet for the Irish nationalist Right during the late 00s with a stridently Catholic and Republican editorial line. Under the editorship of Irish Republican volunteer and...

/ 17/08/2023

The Querist: George Berkeley’s National Economic System

The following first appeared on the Substack ‘Creeve Rua’ and is syndicated with the permission of the author. While the trite cultural spat over George Berkeley’s colonial legacy interests me little, I’m glad the Bishop has been thrust into the limelight again,...

/ 13/08/2023

“Is Mise an Gaoth ar Mhuir”: Irish Maritime Folklore and Customs

Folklore is an essential component of a nation’s cultural climate. In Ireland, we have a vast wealth of stories, customs, and beliefs, corresponding to every location of the island of Ireland. The most well-known stories of Irish folklore, Fionn Mac...

/ 06/08/2023

The Burkean Reviews: Faith of Our Fathers

Ignore the Barbie/Oppenheimer nonsense; transcend this foreign false dichotomy with Lanklet Dev's review of Faith of Our Fathers… Forget Barbie and Oppenheimer! Faith of our Fathers premiered on Thursday night and it was kino. And I could be wrong however,...

/ 23/07/2023

“The Song of the Pike”-1848

An inspiration to a young Michael Collins, the following ballad first appeared in 1848 in the short-lived Fenian newspaper "The United Irishman" and not attributed to any single author, "Great faith I have in moral force Great trust in thought...

/ 13/07/2023

Wandering in the great outdoors: A Gaelic tradition

Walkabout, trekking, hiking, journeying - whatever you call it or however it's done there seems to be an innate affection among the Gael for the less-beaten track, including pilgrimages, our rebels on the run, and of course hiking trails.  Pilgrimages...

/ 06/06/2023