Category: Culture & Arts

Morrissey – The Original Volcel

Before we delve into this article, I would like to thank the seething liberals for making this one of the easiest I have ever written. Their hundreds, if not thousands, of articles “slating” Morrissey provided me with all the resources...

/ 29/06/2023

Social Media, Body Dysmorphia & Toxic Online Gym Culture

There can be little doubt that social media has had a profound impact on society. Sure, it has brought people closer together. I can connect with a friend who I haven't seen in years and receive a vivid, blow by...

/ 27/06/2023

“McGregor Forever” Review: We Never Left

Lanklet Dev analyses the themes and motifs of the recent Conor McGregor documentary... To coincide with the beginning of Gael Boy Summer, the leader of the coming youngfella revolution released his highly anticipated documentary "McGregor Forever" recently. It consists of...

/ 25/06/2023

A Fiscal Policy for the Irish Right? The Abolition of the USC & Reformation of Government Spending

The lot of right-wing populism in Ireland is primarily focused on the changing social fabric of the nation. As the government repeatedly and consistently alienates voters with its high tax, high migration, high rent society, political traffic will drift towards...

/ 11/06/2023

Wandering in the great outdoors: A Gaelic tradition

Walkabout, trekking, hiking, journeying - whatever you call it or however it's done there seems to be an innate affection among the Gael for the less-beaten track, including pilgrimages, our rebels on the run, and of course hiking trails.  Pilgrimages...

/ 06/06/2023

Irish Sovereignty in 21st Century: A Message From the Diaspora

Nationhood Is Worth Protecting on the Emerald Isle Sovereignty is self-rule, be that of a nation or of a person. Irish sovereignty is on the ropes, succumbing in plain sight to the European Union federation. Given the ease with which...

/ 21/05/2023

Bodenstown or Downpatrick?

“We have come to the holiest place in Ireland; holier to us even than the place where Patrick sleeps in Down. Patrick brought us life, but this man died for us.” Those words were spoken at the grave of Wolfe...

/ 08/05/2023

‘Ye Wife Swapping Sodomites!’ E Michael Jones’ and ‘Degenerate Moderns’ 

"Hither flock all the crowd whom love has wrecked Of intellectuals without intellect And sexless folk whose sexes intersect...." - Roy Campbell, 'The Georgiads' Introduction “G’way, ye wife swapping sodomites.” - Úna Bean Mhic Mhathúna The mere mention of Dr....

/ 03/05/2023

Pádraig Pearse – Warrior Poet

“I am ready. For years I have waited and prayed for this day. We have the most glorious opportunity that has ever presented itself of really asserting ourselves. Such an opportunity may never come again. We have Ireland’s liberty in...

/ 24/04/2023

Animal Advocacy Group Calls for Peaceful Demonstration

Animal rights and welfare issues must be included as an integral tenet to any positive vision of Irish Nationalism. Pet theft is degenerate. Missing/Stolen Animals Ireland is calling for the public to support their peaceful demonstration outside Leinster House on...

/ 20/04/2023