Category: Culture & Arts
Normal People: Lecherous Chad-Worshipping Fantasies on Full Display
I expected to detest Sally Rooney’s ‘Normal People’. Arguably the most successful Irish writer of the 2010’s, her works have captured a key demographic: millennial women; not to forget the wine-gulping, perennially depressed older generations, vicariously re-living their spent youth...
Constructive Dialogues: Understanding and Misunderstanding the Gun Debate
Unquestionably, one of the most contentious issues in American politics is gun-control. Unlike other issues, such as immigration or climate-science, gun-related issues always appear after a serious shooting which often comes coupled with high casualties. When it comes to guns,...
Unintentional Homeschoolers
In a novel by the same name, we learn that the success of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is due in no small part to the two simple, but extraordinarily helpful, words emblazoned across the front cover: Don't Panic. ...
Scene + Heard: The Emergent Tones of Irish Theatre
The Smock Alley Theatre’s Scene + Heard is an annual festival showcasing never before seen Irish theatre, a chance for budding writers and actors to bring their talent to the stage. The plays are all in short one act formats,...
The Weight of Banality
Facts don’t care about your feelings. The phrase, associated with the American right-wing commentator Ben Shapiro, has by now become something of a cliché among conservatives. It’s usually aimed at “snowflake” liberals who (as the theory goes) prioritise emotion over...
Why Do We Let The Left Own Irish Culture
In February of 2018, Hermann Kelly, now the leader of the Irish Freedom Party, organised an Irexit conference in Dublin’s RDS, at which Nigel Farage was the main speaker. The event received much coverage in the Irish media, and also...
Corporate Social Responsibility In A Post-Irish Ireland
The winners of this year’s BT Young Scientist Awards saw much praise from mainstream Irish media. Entitled “A statistical investigation into the prevalence of gender stereotyping in 5-7 year olds and the development of an initiative to combat gender bias”,...
Sir Roger Scruton: In Memory
How should one treat the death of a public intellectual? Sir Roger Scruton recently left this veil of tears having succumbed to the sword of Damocles which hung upon him for six months prior. A man not without his fair...
Christmas: A Conservative Festival
Once a year, the modern world indulges in a celebration of everything it usually disdains: family, nostalgia, tradition, sentimentality, innocence, festivity, ceremony, and even (albeit usually indirectly) religion. Christmas is the annual return of the repressed, on a societal level....
JK Rowling, and Why Fiction is Dying
‘You reap what you sow’. After spending years feeding the progressive beast, JK Rowling has finally learned the meaning of this proverb. How? Just like with any social media mob, it started when Rowling was caught espousing views that are...