Category: Culture & Arts

Spiritual Opium: Ireland Must Follow China’s Example in Regulating Online Gaming
China’s government has banned those under the age of 18 from playing online video games, except between the times of 8pm to 9pm, on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. The move by the CCCP comes hot on the heels of...

Revisionism and Irish National Demoralisation
“This country of ours is no sand bank, thrown up by some recent caprice of earth. It is an ancient land, honoured in the archives of civilisation, traceable into antiquity by its piety, its valour, and its sufferings. Every great...

In Defence of my Gym-bros: An Open Letter To Ryan Tubridy
Tubbers, a chara I am writing to you regarding your recent run-ins with young men of my generation. I understand that their inherent swagger, rugged charm and overall chad-like demeanor has left you somewhat disturbed, and with many questions. My...

Crushproof: Skanger Nationalist Parable on Screen
“I'll remember Dublin city, in the rare ould times” “And their sons will be respected men, and they will be established as judges over your sons; they will govern your city and they will buy your field, for the universal...

High-Low against the Middle-Globalism’s Moral Model
In my last article on the moral trichotomy, I ended with the line, “the master moralist will triumph in this world, the servant moralist will triumph in the next, while the slave moralist will triumph in their heads”. I hoped...

A4 Sounds: Who Is the Left Wing Art Collective Sucking Up Art Subsidies?
You’d be forgiven for overlooking A4 Sounds’s art studio, situated just before the Mater Hospital in the bosom of Dublin’s north-inner city. Ensconced firmly in O’Casey country just off Dorset street, the gallery and workspace has been catering for a...

Gaelish: A Proposal
Does Ireland exist? Is there such a country as Ireland? This question occurs to me more and more as time goes by. There is certainly a large island to the west of Britain which is denoted by that name. The...

A Plea for Irish Legislative Independence-Henry Grattan
Speech Given to Irish Parliament, April 19, 1780. Dutifully uploaded by An Cartlann Sir, I have entreated an attendance on this day that you might, in the most public manner, deny the claim of the British Parliament to make law...

The White Plague: Frank Herbert’s Irish Pandemic Dystopia
The following article first featured on the site Excuse The Blood and is syndicated with permission of the author. Frank Herbert will be primarily known as the author of the Dune series, to the extent that its popularity outweighs and obscures his...

Cardinal Marx and the Future of the Church
Having travelled to Rome in May to offer his resignation as Archbishop of Munich and Freising, Cardinal Reinhard Marx received the Pope’s response today. Francis rejected the proposal, and called on bishops worldwide to take greater responsibility for the abuse crisis....