Category: Articles

Who is Behind Ireland’s Newest Mosque Development in Lucan?
Despite residential complaints and planning objections, An Bord Pleanála last week gave the rubber stamp on the development of a purpose built Islamic centre and mosque in the West Dublin town of Lucan. A planned multi-storey development complete with a...

Lessons from Europe: The Netherlands
Over the coming decades Ireland will be facing extreme demographic changes, requiring the nationalist right to move quickly to achieve our political goals. We do not have time to take a wrong step. Strategy is key to winning within the...

The Lough Sheelin Evictions and Emergence of Ribbonism: Dr. Thomas Nulty
An economic scholar in his own right Dr Thomas Nulty was a 19th century Bishop and academic noted for his contributions to economic school of Georgism, early on in his career however he served as a parish priest in the...

Against the 27th: More Open Borders Activism on Irish Campuses
Another week and another open borders organisation has been birthed on Irish campuses seeking to crowbar open the nation's already loose migration regime. Formulated over the previous six months, 'Against the 27th' is a new student-led campaign that has commenced...

To be a Conservative is to be Unthinking
This might come to a surprise seeing a title like this published in a journal like The Burkean, but it’ll make sense if I elaborate on it more. I’ve never been at ease with the word, and I feel like...

Time for Ireland to Say Goodbye to Pax Americana
2020 — The American Bogside? As dawn breaks on election day in America never has a modern presidential contest had such little grip on the global attention span. While no way short of drama and meddling by Big Tech and...

A Catholic and Traditional Conservative Critique of Neoliberalism
Recognizing the disastrous history of totalitarian regimes, R. Reagan and M. Thatcher minimized the government and promoted free market, thinking they would give more liberty to the individual and prevent the rise of totalitarianism. But evidently, they had 'forgotten' about...

Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict: Interview from the Inside
Armen Kaprelian is a 26-year-old Armenian national who having completed a Master’s in Economics has returned to his native home Armenia. Armen is currently working as a Research assistant for the Ministry of the Economy for the Republic of Armenia....

Who is the CIA Linked Consultancy Firm Directing the Irish Government’s Health Crisis PR response?
Merrion Street’s PR Blowout The Department of Health and Taoiseach Martin put out a small media fire last month over the former’s use of a private PR firm to help manage the government’s response towards the current crisis. Eerily reminiscent...

After Trump: The State of Democracy in America 2020
As America approaches a general election, it is worth examining it’s politics, and Irish people’s attitude to them. Irish people have more of an affinity with the Democrats because we are spoon-fed their culture, and therefore are inclined to the...