Category: Articles

Who is Lobbying the State on Hate Speech Legislation?
As of yet uncodified, it appears almost certain that a hate speech bill of some sort will limp its way to the Cabinet table circa Easter time this year. While the Department of Justice has forewarned that it will not...

What Sort of Nationalist Are You?
Nationalism has made somewhat of a resurgence in the past decade, which was arguably caused by the internet opening up the floodgates to unorthodox opinions—although some may argue it was just a natural backlash against multiculturalism. With a growing number...

How Pádraig Pearse Imagined Ireland in the Year 2006 (1906)
The following are extracts from a 1906 essay entitled ‘In my Garden’ from the August 4th edition of An Claidheamh Soluis. The full corpus of the magazine archive is freely available and dutifully digitised by means of the Conradh na...

A Catholic Education Scattered To The Four Winds
In light of the recent “Catholic Schools Week”, it bears saying that it is an open secret that the vast majority of schools in Ireland, which purport to be Catholic, are merely Catholic in name only. They keep up the...

ROXANNE: Ireland’s New Anti-Hate Speech Surveillance Technology
Marketed as a multiplatform analytical tool to evaluate speech and facial patterns in order to create visual mapping for authorities and identity suspects, ROXANNE is a new breed of surveillance technology in the process of development and currently being backed...

The People vs Wall Street: Robinhood & Populism 2.0
“We can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent.” As markets in the US fell by around 2% since Monday, their worst week by far this year, this rallying cry could be heard all across the internet. While for...

Simon Coveney Reiterates Support for Turkish Membership of EU
During a two-day visit to Ankara this week, Simon Coveney engaged with Turkish Foreign Minister, Mevlut Cavusogl, about the prospects of greater integration and membership for the 82 million strong predominantly Sunni nation into the European Union. Despite EU-Turkic relations...

Le Chéile: Ireland Newest Censorship Org Off to an Uninspiring Start
The congested field of anti-racist organising in Ireland met with a new and belated contendor this December with the birth of Le Chéile, a new voice to combat Ireland’s apparently nefarious far right. With an arranged press release coverage from...

Aodh de Blácam: Ireland’s Answer to Oswald Spengler
“I contemplate a people which has had a long night, and will have an inevitable day. I am turning my eyes toward a hundred years to come, and I dimly see the Ireland I am gazing on become the road...

The Economics of a Free Ireland — Michael Collins
Idealised as the architect of a free and democratic Ireland by some, and despised by others as being a political sellout, very little attention has been given to the written works of Michael Collins. Not just a gunman, his economic...