Category: Articles

Why Hungary Must Defeat the NGO Complex-Viktor Orbán
The following is a syndication of a 2020 blog post by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. In it he defends the right of Hungary to operate as a free Christian nation against the subversive role played by foreign human rights...

Electorate Must Give Government An Anti-Lockdown Message in Dublin Bay South
The Dublin Bay South bye-election provides an opportunity for the public to register their opposition to the government’s lockdown policy. Those who are opposed to lockdowns need to use this election as a warning to the government and all pro-lockdown...

George Galloway — Harbinger of Islamic Populism in Britain?
Another brick almost fell out of the British Labour Party’s electoral wall last week with a knife edge contest fought in the Batley and Spen by-election. Narrowly avoiding an electoral humbling for Labour, the election acts as a harbinger for...

Rally for Life: How Fares Pro-Life Politics in 2021?
The now annual Rally for Life took place yesterday, Saturday 3rd, outside the GPO. The timing of this year’s rally coincided with the stark news earlier in the week that abortions had continued apace throughout 2020 with over 6 and...

How Much Did the Irish Times Get Paid to Syndicate CCP Propaganda?
In between ritualistic denouncements of both the far right and lockdown scepticism, the Irish Times took time out this week to print a full page paid advertisement singing the praises of China's ruling CCP. Syndicated in their Wednesday edition, the...

Gaelish: A Proposal
Does Ireland exist? Is there such a country as Ireland? This question occurs to me more and more as time goes by. There is certainly a large island to the west of Britain which is denoted by that name. The...

Black Pride Ireland: What Happened to €30,000 of BLM Donations?
2020 was a bullish year for the racial grievance industry in Ireland with one activist group in particular drawing notoriety for their fundraising efforts. A collective of black queer activists, Black Pride Ireland first sprouted in 2019 as a group...

British Intelligence is Still Up To Dirty Tricks in Ireland
Britain’s intelligence services have always acted in the shadows, unscrupulously. Turning people tout, or planting their own in target groups, have been the lighter side of their activities. Running public-facing organisations to coach the media and massage a narrative on...

A Plea for Irish Legislative Independence-Henry Grattan
Speech Given to Irish Parliament, April 19, 1780. Dutifully uploaded by An Cartlann Sir, I have entreated an attendance on this day that you might, in the most public manner, deny the claim of the British Parliament to make law...

Ballyfermot: Why Irish Catholics Must Stand Up to the LGBT Mafia
Dublin Catholics successfully mobilised last week to call a halt to the flying of the Pride flag outside the Church of Our Lady of the Assumption in Ballyfermot. Significant controversy was generated among the faithful following the raising of the...