Category: Articles

TENI Fails to Properly File Financial Accounts for Third Year Running

The misfortune of TENI Ireland has been something of a regular feature in The Burkean the past year. Spearheading the way on the nation’s open-ended gender recognition laws, the charity has all the appearances of being on death’s door in...

/ 11/12/2021

Bab al-Hawa: How Ireland Assists Ethnic Cleansing in Syria

A vital aid corridor in north-western Syria, Bab al-Hawa is a rebel-held Syrian border checkpoint adjacent to Turkey. One of the initial areas to fall to anti-Assad forces in 2012, the border crossing, while protected by a recent UN Resolution,...

/ 10/12/2021

Stop the Seminars! Maynooth Takes on Populism

Another day, another seminar on the far right, or so the phrase goes. “StopFarRight” (kudos on the name) is a series of seminars designed to bring about “discussion and debate between academics and civil society groups on how best to...

/ 08/12/2021

(Not So) New To The Parish – #1 Celtic Tigers and Millennial Woes

This is part of a series of articles in which I intend to look at various aspects of Irish cultural and social life through the eyes of a foreign onlooker. It is intended to be a cultural autobiography of sorts,...

/ 07/12/2021

Action Française: History and Practice

Previously profiled in The Burkean for their brand of youth-inspired neo-monarchism, Action française is a household name within the French Right. This article is by one of their activists, and in it he briefly discusses the origins of the group...

/ 06/12/2021

Ireland’s Amnesty Bonanza for Illegal Immigrants

Any trace elements indicating that the Dublin government was keeping watch on migration was dispensed this Friday with the announcement by Minister Helen McEntee's of the naturalisation en masse of tens of thousands of undocumented, ie. illegal immigrants. Estimated to...

/ 05/12/2021

Fundraising and Irish Politics

Dodgy dealings are never far from Irish politics, it seems. A report by the Irish Independent found that Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael had used a change in law to classify their raising half a million and a million euro...

/ 04/12/2021

Facebook’s Antifascist Liaisons

With a litany of social media firms parked in the Dublin Docklands, Ireland has found itself close to the jugular when it comes to the regulation of Big Tech. Notoriously, the state has a rather comfy relationship with tech platforms,...

/ 03/12/2021

Gilla Band: Where Did All the Punks Go?

I don't like writing outrage pieces. As a rule of thumb, I try to stay well away from them. Journalism in a nutshell has become nothing but a cacophony of outrage in recent years and I begrudge adding to that...

/ 02/12/2021

Sympathy for the Neocon? Mark Humphrys vs DCU

Blood has been in the water for Ireland’s most prolific and perhaps only self-identifying neoconservative over the past fortnight, with the targeting of DCU lecturer Dr Mark Humphrys by anti-racist campaigners. Aiming to put the Computer Science lecturer and part-time...

/ 01/12/2021