Category: Articles

Benefacts Goes Offline: Is the State Trying to Run Cover for NGO Complex?

Formerly an essential resource for keeping track of the nation's elephantine NGO sector, the Burkean looks despondently at the effective closure of the transparency website Benefacts.  Providing oodles of information, from funding to governance boards on thousands of NGOs, the...

/ 18/02/2022

Belfast: Sectarianism Through Rose Tinted Glasses

Belfast, Kenneth Branagh's semi-autobiographical movie about being a Protestant in Belfast at the outbreak of the Troubles, has been nominated for seven Academy awards, one of which will almost certainly go to British Quaker Dame Judi Dench for playing the...

/ 16/02/2022

Irish Nationalism and Foreign Influences: Some Thoughts

Our Evola, Only Better The transformation of Irish nationalism in the last half-century is perhaps not more marked than in the change in how Irish nationalists define themselves; and how one may define themselves in political thought necessarily originates from...

/ 15/02/2022

How WB Yeats Got CUCKED – A Pick Up Artist’s Analysis

 “We against whom you have done this thing are no petty people” – W. B. Yeats Introduction Intra-nationalist squabbles and petty disputes are an idiosyncratic fixation of mine: Othmar Spann’s distaste for Carl Schmitt; the mutual animosity betwixt the Blueshirts...

/ 14/02/2022

The Udoma Committee: TCD Phil’s POC Powwow

Ireland's rising tide of colour seized temporary control of Trinity's GMB debating hall for the inaugural Udoma subcommittee geared at incubating 'POC' debaters. Not knowing where else to spend a squally February evening, this at the time rather intoxicated Burkean...

/ 12/02/2022

Ireland’s Retrofitting Debacle: Are Green Politics Just a Mask for Corporate Takeover?

Though I'll tell my great grandchildren that it was the luck of the Irish that saved my hide from the Great Covid Pandemic, the more numerate amongst them would point out that, by the Irish regime's own estimates, 5,019,908 of...

/ 11/02/2022

Soros at the Oireachtas: INAR Lobbies to Fastrack Hate Speech Legislation

A Thursday morning Oireachtas press conference and media photo op encapsulated just the latest attempts to enshrine British-style hate crime and hate speech legislation on the Irish statute books, as INAR Ireland led the way on enhancing Garda powers. In...

/ 10/02/2022

Musgraves Leads Charges on Lobbying for non-EEA Migration

The diminishing ability of Eastern European labour pools to placate the needs of a post-covid Irish economy is being demonstrated with the increasing lobbying of major employers for non-EEA migration. As reported in the weekend edition of the Sunday Independent...

/ 09/02/2022

Housing and Ireland’s Secret Power Struggles

In my rambles around Dublin Bay North, that salient bordered by the Malahide Road, the sea and the coast road back to Fairview, I have come across two homes, one opposite Sutton Marina and one on the Baldoyle Road, both...

/ 08/02/2022

Finis Britannia-Is Unionism Really in Collapse?

The banality of northern politics has been upended recently by the news of the resignation of the Unionist First Minister and what appears to almost certainly be the commencement of a snap “election”, called several months early. “At last,” some...

/ 07/02/2022