Category: Articles
Dissident Republicans Rattled by Another Informant Scandal
There has been an interesting development in the North, for those watching, over the last number of weeks. The dissident republican outfit Saoradh claims to have discovered a British agent with the Sunday World quoting various 'dissident sources' about the...
Ireland to Lose National Veto Under EU Proposals
Eurofederalism appears to be taking its final form with new recommendations proposed by the Conference on the Future of Europe inter alia effectively stripping away national vetoes for Ireland and other member states on a range of issues. Aiming to...
85 Days of Slavyansk: A Memoir of the 2014 Ukraine War
REVIEW: 85 Days of Slavyansk by Alexander Zhuchkovsky, translated into English by @Peter_Nimitz on Twitter. What rages today is the largest conventional conflict in the European continent since the Second World War, fought by around half a million soldiers serving...
Jordan Peterson: An Astroturfed Phenomenon?
Jordan Peterson is an enigmatic figure in today’s world. He rose to prominence due to his refusal to use transgender pronouns if their use was made compulsory by the Canadian state, exploding to international superstardom as clips of his refusal...
Why Political Dissidents Should Avoid ProtonMail
Imagine that you gave birth to a true masterpiece, a meme so good you must share it with your epic, based, and redpilled friends. But, since the day you first read about online you have been wielding a vendetta against...
A National Historiography For a National Resurrection
Introduction: “The spiritual thing which is the essential thing in nationality would seem to reside chiefly in language (if by language we understand literature and folklore as well as sounds and idioms). And to be preserved chiefly by language; but...
Rwanda Plan: Ireland to Become Brexit Britain’s Asylum Bolthole?
The British government's attempted roll out of the much denigrated 'Rwanda Plan' to cope with asylum claims is sure to catch the covert attention of many EU states. Aimed at mitigating the pull factor of those taking their chances crossing...
What’s Behind Darragh O’Brien’s Comments on Migration?
In a surprise turn of events, avowed liberal and senior Minister Darragh O’Brien, the TD for Fingal and Minister for Housing, is “under fire” for supposedly blaming migrants for their contribution to the housing crisis. ‘Fingal Communities Against Racism’, a...
The View from ‘Connolly House’
The Battle for Moral Superiority is well and truly underway in Dublin as republican socialists take on shadowy international financiers (a Methodist charity in this case) in a bid to out-cuck themselves for foreigners. This month "Socialist Republicans" occupied Lefroy...
Wagner in the Sahel: What’s Behind the Irish Withdrawal in Mali?
Scant attention has been paid to the partial withdrawal of the Irish Army Ranger Wing from the war-ravaged nation of Mali last month, amid fast and loose accusations of Russian backed atrocities involving the Wagner mercenary group. A contingent of...