Category: Articles

A Marginal Understanding : Why Left Republican Analysis of the Irish Right Flops

When reading about the emergence of the ‘far-right’ in Irish political journalism and opinion pieces, one is left feeling like they’re in the film Groundhog Day.  Generally, a quick once over a few Wikipedia pages serves as the research basis...

/ 20/07/2022

Foreign Policy in the Saorstát : Early Irish Geostrategy

The Department of External Affairs (DEA) was a Saorstát political institution formed in 1924, built upon the foundations of prior Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA). This of the civil service, while overtly discriminated against by their peers in domestic branches...

/ 18/07/2022

Liberalism is a Sin: Absolutism Fights Back

Doctor Don Felix Sarda y Salvany was a popular priest in Spain in the late 19th and early 20th century who was considered exemplary for the firmness of his principles and the clarity of his apostolate –centred upon charity and...

/ 16/07/2022

Young Catholics Object to Irish Synod Findings

The ongoing Irish Synod is presenting itself as an opening for liberal lobbies within and without the Church to gain traction for long-envisioned ecclesiastical and catechetical reforms. The Irish wing of a worldwide consultation of the faithful, as well as...

/ 15/07/2022

Hate Speech in Ireland: The Road Ahead

Kicked into the legislative long grass by Charlie Flanagan, rumblings by the Department of Justice this week indicate an intention to finally cut the Gordian knote on viable hate speech legislation this autumn. Specifically mentioned within the Programme for Government...

/ 13/07/2022

Is Kinnegad Just the Beginning? Asylum Wave Inbound for Ireland

The following quote is Roderic O'Gorman's sole explanation for the increase in the number of non-Ukraine related asylum seekers in Ireland so far this year. "Since the lifting of international travel restrictions post-Covid-19, there has been a significant increase of...

/ 11/07/2022

Kinnegad: Arab Incels and Middle Class Cowardice

A dose of healthy racism could’ve quashed, or at the very least mitigated the ill-effects of, the current fiasco in Kinnegad. Spawned by its planter pollack gombeen owners selling it off for use by the Department of Children, ‘Harry’s Hotel’...

/ 10/07/2022

Agent Viktor: Does the Irish Visa System Provide an Open Door for Foreign Espionage?

The rumbling of a Russian sleeper spy by Dutch security forces presents some salient questions for the country in light of our infamously lax language school sector. Sergey Vladimirovich Cherkasov operating under the moniker ‘Viktor Muller Ferreira’ posed as a...

/ 09/07/2022

Kinnegad: Media Attempts to Hush Asylum Disaster in Westmeath

It's been a week of putting out fires for the nation's media-NGO complex grappling with the slow rolling disaster of the new Kinnegad asylum centre and resultant community fallout. In classic departmental form, residents of the 2,700 strong Westmeath town...

/ 08/07/2022

Why is the German Government Funding the Surveillance of Irish Nationalists?

Political parties in the German national parliament can secure funding for private entities of their choice (called ‘Foundations’) amounting to tens of millions of euros every year. The AfD recently took a case against the state’s refusal to give it...

/ 06/07/2022