Category: Articles

Analysing German Political Interference in European Nations

On August 22, 2018, Germany’s Foreign Minister Heiko Maas published an important article in the ‘Handelsblatt’ with a telling title ‘Making Plans For A New World Order.’ He writes: “Only by joining forces with France and other European nations can a balance...

/ 14/09/2018

Populism Is Not Destroying Democracy – It Is Democracy

Populism. If you listen to the mainstream media, you’ll know two things about populism. One, it’s on the rise after sweeping through the United States and making its way to Europe. Two, it’s evil and is single-handedly destroying democracy as...

/ 13/09/2018

Welcome to the Metrostate

Just over one hundred years ago, Patrick Pearse famously stepped out of Dublin’s GPO to read the Proclamation to a somewhat bemused Dublin populace. Pearse’s reading of the Proclamation is generally viewed as the founding act of a new independent...

/ 12/09/2018

A Tale of Neoliberals and Leftists

We often hear the term Neoliberal being thrown about, sometimes as description, more often demeaning, but hardly ever used as a term of self-identification. Before we go further, it is important that we make a distinction here between ‘Leftists’ and...

/ 11/09/2018

Young People Need Options Other Than Traditional Universities

It’s that time of the year again. The summer is over, and more than 200,000 third-level students here are preparing to start another academic year. Some have recently expressed surprised at the slight decrease in the number of applicants who...

/ 06/09/2018

The Fresh Guide to Freshers Week

Yo, Fresh. Congratulations on getting your Fresh rear through the Leaving Cert and into your first Fresh year of being a Fresh in college. Fresh, right? But you're probably wondering what you're getting into. What is college life all about?...

/ 04/09/2018

The Death of a Republic II : The Death of a Culture

To whom it may concern; Éireann had changed since you last laid eyes on her. Despite her various ailments, she was once a rather lively and joyful young woman. However, in her latter years, she had grown addicted and dependent...

/ 02/09/2018

The Endless Generosity of the Irish is Our Achilles’ Heel

Most of us who went to primary school in Ireland will have memories of the Trócaire box being passed around at school so we could raise money for the “poor black babies in Africa.” The front of the box would...

/ 28/08/2018

The Death of a Republic I : The Death of a Democracy

To whom it may concern; I hereby regret to inform you that after a long battle with various afflictions, the Irish Republic (née Saorstát Éireann) passed away during the year 2018. She went relatively peacefully in her sleep, the last...

/ 26/08/2018

Michael D. Higgins’ Marxist Philosophical Circus

In his “King Lear,” William Shakespeare writes: “Thou shouldst not have been old till thou hadst been wise.” I cannot think of a public figure in Ireland who exemplifies it better than our old-new presidential candidate Michael D. Higgins. He...

/ 21/08/2018