TCD Trotskyist Tiff Brewing Over SU Disaffiliation?
House 6 off College Green is arguably People Before Profit's most influential albeit informal branch in existence. The college offices of Trinity College’s Student Union (TCDSU), the narrow left-wing circuit built around the organisation stumbles through each consecutive year through...
Athlone Standoff Shows Irish Asylum Saga Reigniting Post-Election
Fresh life is being breathed into the Republic’s asylum drama as Athlone locals faced off against authorities against plans to impose a 1,000-man refugee centre in the northern suburb of Lissywollen. Already subject to a well-attended public meeting, an intense...
After Assad: Ireland’s Role in Fueling Syria’s New Islamist Wave
The downfall of the al-Assad regime is being treated as a Syrian Berlin Wall moment within Irish diplomatic circles as evidenced by upbeat statements by An Taoiseach and similar signaling by the DFA. Away from traditional Irish foreign policy stomping...
The Whitepills and Blackpills for Irish Nationalism After GE24
"Bíonn grásta Dé idir an dá throm…." Regardless of whether you classify the results of last week’s general election as an electoral bridgehead to the mainstream or a fatalistic argument against electoral politics, sober analysis is the most advantageous strategy...
Clare Daly: Where Next for the Anti-War Irish Left?
Is Dublin Central on the cusp of having its Sahra Wagenknecht moment? Just weeks after packing up her office in Brussels anti-imperialist extraordinaire Clare Daly is setting her sights on reviving her domestic political career with a stab at reentering...
By virtue of being the only competent anti-immigration voice on the panel, the big winner once again was Peadar Tóibín, following on from his successful performance in the big leaders’ debate last week. It can be fairly argued that Tóibín...
Ringing Endorsement: Niall Ring Gives Malachy Steenson Momentum in Final Week of Campaigning
The campaign to see independent nationalist Councillor Malachy Steenson elected in Dublin Central has been boosted this week following the ringing endorsement of former Lord Mayor of Dublin Niall Ring. Media attention is fixated on the north inner city in...
USI Censorship Machine Takes Aim at Irish Right on Campus
The Union of Students Ireland (USI) has taken justifiable flak this week following the casual exclusion of parties to the right of and including Aontú from their pre-election survey. Questioning all seven major Irish parties on their policy positions on...
Our Gallant Allies: What Ireland Can Learn from European Nationalism, A Conversation With Derek Blighe
Following Junes's European and local elections, The Burkean's Tadhg Pidgeon sat down with Derek Blighe to discuss trends emerging on the Continent and where Ireland could follow the lead. Shared with permission, the full episode is available from Spotify and...
The New Transatlantic Relationship: What Are Ireland’s Strategic Objectives for a Second Trump Term
Vengence is coming to the Potomac and all counts point to Leinster House being lamentably underprepared. Days shy of an American presidential election and even projections point to a second and likely proactive Trump White House term but in a...