All posts by The Burkean

WE’RE NOT SORRY: Removing Foreign Squats Is Not A Crime

Grassroots local activists ejected a group of anarchists and foreign illegals from the vicinity of Pearse Street on Friday night, and of course the government and left-liberals have been wetting their knickers since. On behalf of the Irish people we...

/ 15/05/2023

Wake Up and Smell the Kerosene: Battle of Pearse Street Just the Start

"A glory to Dublin, to her we renown, In the long generations her fame will go down, And the children will tell how their forefathers saw, The red blaze of freedom on Erin Go Bragh"-Peadar Kearney The Irish state’s response...

/ 13/05/2023

REVEALED: Ireland is the 7th-most Immigration-Sceptic Country in the World

New data from the Alliance of Democracies Foundation has revealed that Ireland is the 7th most immigration-sceptic country in the world. With 23% of Irish people saying that less immigration is one of the top-three issues for them, almost twice...

/ 10/05/2023

“F**k Irlanda”: The Reality of Migrant Anti-Irish Sentiment

The below video was posted to Twitter yesterday by user @Cryptopalantir, showing young males of Algerian origin outside the International Protection Office on Mount St., Dublin 2. Their laughing and saying "F**k Irlanda" giving an insight at the real sentiments...

/ 26/04/2023

Anti-Irish Propaganda Industry Gets a Funding Boost

“As a society, we are becoming more diverse, and with this, our attitudes and actions towards differences must also change” - Leo Varadkar's foreword to the National Action Plan Against Racism 2023 Ambitious in its scale and extensive in its...

/ 10/04/2023

Vote for Ryan Corley

In-person voting began at UCD for the Student Union elections on the 4th of April, and will finish today. Online voting has since closed, but, given the history of election fraud across the western world, online voting can be considered...

/ 05/04/2023

The Government Announces Anti-Irish “Action Plan Against Racism”

On Tuesday, the Irish government released its "National Action Plan Against Racism", a far-reaching broad suite of policies designed to stifle criticism of mass immigration and empower corrupt NGOs and hostile foreign nationals to entrench their privileged status in Irish...

/ 23/03/2023

On St. Patrick and the Irish: Hilaire Belloc

The following is an extract from Hilaire Belloc's 1911 work "First and Last" on the conversion of the Irish and legacy of St. Patrick. If there is one thing that people who are not Catholic have gone wrong upon more...

/ 17/03/2023

From Tanks to Think Tanks

When Churchill made his famous 'Iron Curtain' address, it seemed apposite to the zeitgeist of the time. Alas, now,  the curtain swaying across Central Europe, from the Baltic to the Bosphorus Straits, and from Bialystok to the Black Sea, is...

/ 28/02/2023

Tommy Go Home! Keep British Grifters Away from Ireland

Contrast two images: In 2016 a collection of shady English EDL supporters, Polish ultras and Irish activists were roundly humiliated when they attempted to launch a branch of Pegida at the GPO. Badly planned as it was ideologically ill-fated, the...

/ 16/02/2023