A Marginal Understanding : Why Left Republican Analysis of the Irish Right Flops
When reading about the emergence of the ‘far-right’ in Irish political journalism and opinion pieces, one is left feeling like they’re in the film Groundhog Day. Generally, a quick once over a few Wikipedia pages serves as the research basis...

Protests and the Irish Right: A Harmful Indulgence
Protests and street-action have recently captured the imagination of many on the Irish Right. The desire to stage protests is not a new one, but an old one finally realised. The decimation of an effective left-wing opposition at a street...

Faith Goldy’s Campaign for Toronto Mayor – An Exercise in Media Power
Faith Goldy, a Canadian political commentator formerly with Rebel Media, is a contender in the election for Mayor of Toronto, to be held this Monday. She’s running an above-board and professional campaign, her message seems fairly solid, and her campaign’s...