
“When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle. It is not enough, in a situation of trust in the commonwealth, that a man means well to his country.”
–Edmund Burke
The Burkean is an online publication founded and run by university students in Ireland that seeks to promote free speech and fresh ideas. The Burkean aims to be a nationwide platform for all Irish universities and Irish society at large. Our purpose is to provide intellectual content through acting as a publishing service for students to contribute their own views on local and general issues, especially those which are not otherwise represented by mainstream publications on a national or campus level. We also publish articles from non-student writers and experts in their respective fields, so as to provide our readers with the widest range of quality material.
The Burkean is named after Edmund Burke, one of Ireland’s most distinguished statesmen. His statue stands just outside Trinity College’s main entrance as a sign of respect and admiration to his life and achievements, and his writings and ideas have contributed enormously to the field of political philosophy.
Our goal is to present the opinions of people that aren’t being heard in the mainstream, and to uphold the essential value that is freedom of speech. We encourage debate and give a forum to many veins of thought. Apart from politics, we also address wider issues such as culture, history, philosophy, literature and the arts.